Docker Platform Engine for Topology¶

Docker based Platform Engine plugin for the Topology Modular Framework.
Element attributes¶
Some element attributes are interpreted by this Platform Engine to perform several actions and setup. For example, the following option are taken into account in this Platform Engine.
[type=host image="ubuntu:latest"] host1 host2
[ipv4=""] host1:veth0
[ipv4=""] host2:veth0
[category="oobm"] host1:veth1
[identifier="mainlink" up=False] host1:veth0 -- host2:veth0
type: | Type of this node. Node types can be extended using entry points: entry_points={
'topology_docker_node_10': [
'host =',
'openswitch = topology_docker.nodes.openswitch:OpenSwitchNode'
image: | Docker image to use for this node. You can run |
ipv4: | IPv4 address to set to this port in the form . |
ipv6: | IPv6 address to set to this port in the form 2001:0db8:0:f101::1/64 . |
up: | Bring up (the default) or down this port. |
category: | The category this port belongs to. See
topology_docker.node.DockerNode._get_network_config() for more
information about network categories in a node. |
identifier: | Unique idenfier of the link in the topology. It is required to
explicitly set an identifier to a link to reference it in the
topology_docker.platform.DockerPlatform.unlink() and
topology_docker.platform.DockerPlatform.relink() functions. |
up: | Bring up (the default) or down this link (implemented as bringing up or down both endpoints). |
Engine Node extended interface¶
The Engine Nodes in this Platform Engine have the following additional methods:
This methods allow to pause and resume a node in the topology to test failover, replication, balancing or for simple management.
Node types provided by default¶
This Platform Engine provides two types of nodes by default: host and switch.
Host Node Type¶
This is a very simple host that can be used in topologies where there is a need to simulate a Linux-based host system. This node is based on an Ubuntu 14.04 image (by default) and uses bash for its shell.
It provides the two default network categories (as inherited from DockerNode): front_panel and oobm. The first one is used for ports that are going to be connected to other nodes and the second one is used to connect the node to a bridge network managed by docker itself (which means it’s not explicitly part of the topology).
Switch Node Type¶
This is a very simple switch that can be used in topologies where there is a need to simulate a switch that will just forward packets to the correct port based on the mac address that’s connected to it. This node is based on an Ubuntu 14.04 image (by default) and uses bash for its shell.
It provides the two default network categories (as inherited from DockerNode): front_panel and oobm. The first one is used for ports that are going to be connected to other nodes and the second one is used to connect the switch to a bridge network managed by docker itself (which means it’s not explicitly part of the topology).
All the ports in this node type (except the implicit one in the oobm category) are added to a kernel-level bridge named bridge0 which provides the switching functionality. Because of the way this type of bridges work, all interfaces added to it must be set to UP state, which means ports in nodes of this type will ignore the UP element attribute referenced above (all ports will be brought UP regardless of it).
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